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Qualitativ sehr hochwertige Sporrans, in Schottland gefertigt! Suchen Sie nach anderen Kombinationen? Kein Problem! Wir beraten Sie gerne und helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihren Sporran individuell zu konfigurieren! Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, wir prüfen für Sie die Möglichkeiten der Anpassung.

Sie fragen sich, woher die Felle der Sporrans stammen und ob es ethisch vertretbar ist, einen Fellsporran zu tragen? Natürlich ist das auch für uns ein wichtiger Aspekt, den wir für unsere Kunden transparent machen möchten! 
Lesen Sie hier, was unser Lieferant über die Bezugsquellen seiner Felle schreibt: 
"Our seal skins are all ethically sourced and barcoded, we do not import from Russia etc. as we do not know the practises involved in this area of the world. Seal skin was originally banned, but the EU unfortunately did not provide the Inuit community another source of income to support these small villages as being pelt traders was a part of their way of life, so the banned was lifted on the basis that skins would be purchased through these community and they are involved in all aspects of the sale, from catching, tanning, dying and selling. This agreement helps preserve this cultures way of life and we have villagers from these communities often visit us to see what we do with their products. Other skins like foxes, badgers are from our taxidermist are a road casualties, bovine is a by product of the meat factory and other skins like musquash are only trapped once a year to keep population down and come from Canda. We also use other vintage fur jackets from antique shops, most people don’t wear these due to the stigma of it being real fur so we like to recycle these into sporrans!"

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